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Mobile Sauna Rental
Traditional Finnish Sauna in New England

Are you searching for a unique, relaxing way to improve your physical and mental health? Got Sauna can deliver a mobile sauna nearly anywhere in Greater Boston and Central New England. Abundance is the name of our traditional Finnish sauna and for a good reason. It offers optimal healing benefits through the use of a traditional thermal therapy experience. The temperature is organic, meaning it is controlled by how much the stove has been stoked. Wood-burning saunas have a more significant following among true enthusiasts. Learn more about the benefits of our mobile sauna rentals and then schedule delivery.

spokestone eino & elo

Eino & Elo Make Sauna Rental Easy

Our all-inclusive package is simple to rent. Our team will deliver, set up, and prepare the sauna for firing. The Sauna Mestari will provide a complete orientation briefing for you to maximize your experience. There are a variety of extras to enhance the sauna experience, choose from a plunge tank, outdoor lounge, gas fire pit, and more. We aim to create a memorable experience for everyone. And when it is all over we will pack it up and take it away. Our Mobile Sauna is self-sufficient. All you need to provide is the view!

The Ease of Renting Got Sauna


You get to choose when and where to set up the the sauna. We provide a detailed orientation so you can enjoy the benefits of a fully authentic traditional sauna at home, on vacation, or during a retreat. You can even choose to have Sauna Mestari host your rental.


We offer numerous packages to personalize your sauna experience. You can also browse and select additional add-ons for further customization.


Saunas in the gym or wellness centers don’t offer privacy. Some even have rules that you must be or cannot be nude to use the sauna. Our mobile sauna ensures you’re comfortable throughout the entire experience.


Perhaps your yen for the heat has been limited by budget or location restraints. Renting a mobile sauna is much more affordable than constructing or installing a built-in one. You won’t have to worry about maintenance, upkeep, or the added utility costs.


Rental provides the opportunity to sauna at your own pace, in the privacy of your own backyard, there is no rush to exit to room for others. RELAX, TAKE YOUR TIME, ENJOY THE HEAT, on your terms, without worrying about the drive home

Schedule Your Sauna Rental Today

Whether you want to add a unique element to your corporate or private event or you simply want to enhance your body’s healing during recovery, a mobile sauna rental is the right choice. We offer a wide variety of packages and add-ons to make your sauna experience perfect for you and your guests. Numerous people throughout Greater Boston have enjoyed the healing benefits, and you can, too. Speak to our team about the ease and convenience of renting our Mobile Sauna.

Client Testimonials

Choose the Right Sauna Experience for You